All of Us Schools’ Campaign
The All of Us Schools’ Campaign is an award-winning and pioneering education campaign aiming to enhance the well-being of children and young adults.
Through our animated films and education programme, we tackle current issues affecting the lives of the younger generation.
Browse this website to find out more about our education programmes for primary and secondary schools, including links to our films and bespoke lessons and activities.
The All of Us Schools’ Campaign is a Women’s Interfaith Network Project.
All of Us is a six-minute animated film aimed at young people in the years 4 to 7. The film and accompanying education programme promotes friendship, community, respect and courage in a challenging world. This film, which has won several international awards, has proved popular and successful during the pilot year of the All of Us Schools’ Campaign.
All of Our Shadows is a new and highly topical, seven-minute animated film aimed at secondary school and higher education students. This award-winning film addresses the uncertainty and anxiety that young people face in today’s world.
All of Us Schools’ Campaign Workshops
The All of Us Schools’ Campaign is an educational programme centring around our exclusive animated films and supported by our bespoke multidisciplinary teaching resources.
To see an example of how our resources can be used in an education setting, please watch our All of Us workshop trainer.
We thank Dangoor Education for continuing to support and sponsor the All of Us Schools’ Campaign in its entirety, as well as sponsoring the All of Our Shadows film.
Through the dedicated support of Dangoor Education, we have been able to continue providing the All of Us Schools’ Campaign to education settings, working with over 5000 children and young people since the project’s inception.